SMS API Error Messages
Invalid number

Invalid number

Valid recipient numbers are required to send messages. In case all recipients are invalid, you will receive the following error

Status code: 400

	"success": false,
	"message": "no valid recipients",
	"recipients": null

If only a few recipients are invalid, you will receive a successful status for the valid recipients but the success for the invalid recipients will be false

Status code: 201

	"success": true,
	"message": "Sent to 1/2. Cost KES 0.90",
	"recipients": [
			"id": "88d21765-0a36-4a6b-a2ab-72b6abb85e00",
			"cost": 0.9,
			"number": "+254700000000",
			"status": "queued"
			"id": "",
			"cost": 0,
			"number": "000000",
			"status": "invalid_phone"